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Ring A - Steers & Heifers
Progress Grand - $250 /Res. - $125
Prospect Grand - $1000 /Res.- $500
Supreme Champion - $250/ Res. - $125
Breed Champion-Belt Buckles
Res. Breed Champion- Show Supplies
Ring A Class winners receive
Ring B - Steers & Heifers
Progress Grand-$250 HF&C Gift Card
Progress Res.-$125 HF&C Gift Card
Prospect Grand-$1000 HF&C Gift Card
Prospect Res.-$500 HF&C Gift Card
Supreme Champ Heifer-$250 HF&C Gift Card
Res. Supreme Heifer-$125 HF&C Gift Card
Breed Champions-Awards
Res. Breed Champions- Awards
Ring B class winners receive show supplies from
Top 5 Prospect Steers will be selected in Ring A and Ring B
Rules and Entries
Online entries only-details on home page
Heifers & Steers- $90/head
One paid entry will enter exhibitor in both rings. There is no option to enter only one ring
*Early Entry Deadline - June 7
*Late Entry Fee - Additional $10/head
*Cash payback in ALL Classes
*NO REFUNDS on Entries
*Golden Spread Classic is open to Texas Exhibitors Only
*Blow and Show-no adhesives or glue may be used
*Prospect: 875 lb. & Under. Progress: 876 lb. & Over
*Turn in own weights - 5% weigh back
*Any steer that weighs out will not be eligible for prizes and can not show in Ring B
*Steers may only be shown as a Prospect or Progress. The same steer may not show in each division
*All Steers will be classified. No steer can be reclassed once it has been classified.
*Heifer Breeds with 3 or less entries shown in one class.
*No heifers older than Jan. 1, 2022
*NO Shavings available. Bring your own shavings.
*Bring generators
*No porta-cools inside

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